Content Category: All Category Tags

Below is a list of all of our content categories. Choose one to see all of its articles and postings.


Reports and advisories from the RedSense CTI team.

Intel Diary

Blogs from our RedSense Cyber Threat Intel specialists.

Author Yelisey Bohuslavskiy

Yelisey Bohuslavskiy is Co-Founder and Chief Research Officer at RedSense Cyber Threat Intelligence. He leads the RedSense Research & Development Team, which develops deep signals and human intelligence, and performs incisive customer-focused risk analysis.

Attack Vectors

An "attack vector" is a method or pathway used by a hacker or malicious software to gain unauthorized access to a system.

News and Timely Content

News items and other timely articles on RedSense and Cyber Threat Intel.

Threat Actors

A "threat actor" is an individual or group responsible for initiating cyber attacks or security breaches with malicious intent.

RedSense Threat Briefings (RTBs)

Subscribers to RedSense Advantage and RedSense As-a-Service receive detailed threat briefings covering current threat actors, attack vectors and an in-depth examination of threats within various business sectors. We publish a summary of that coverage here. [Contact Us](/contactus) if you are interested in subscribing.

Vishing (Voice Phishing)

Vishing is a cyber fraud technique where attackers use phone calls or voice messages to trick individuals into revealing personal information or performing actions that compromise their security.

Smishing (SMS Phishing)

Smishing is a cyber fraud technique where attackers send deceptive SMS messages to trick individuals into divulging personal information or clicking on malicious links.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is quickly changing the way we defend as well as the way adversaries attack.

Product Information and Updates

The latest on RedSense product developments, both delivered and upcoming.


Important and novel findings from our cyber threat research team.

Healthcare Vertical

RedSense provides intelligence for a number of industry verticals, including Healthcare.


Updates on our valued RedSense team and individuals.


Updates from the RedSense Threat Intelligence Operations team.